Wednesday 16 July 2014

Novosibirsk (Posevnoye)

And they have a garden shower, superb! Slightly cool water, exactly what I needed. And just as in my childhood, we also had such a shower in the garden that we used to use in sommer. After the shower we had a cold beer and delicious food. And so fast I started to eat meat again. Seems it won't be possible without it here in Russia. Let's see how it will continue further on...

And in the evening we went into banya (Russian sauna). Thereafter again we had some beer before we went to bed.

On the following day I helped Natasha to weed the garden and to water it in the evening. This I was doing almost everyday during my stay there. Like in my childhood. For me this is holiday and fun but for my relatives this is permanent hard work. After they have done their regular job for 8-10 hours, they have to take care of their garden, cattle, household and children. They knock off only in the late evening and in the early morning the same routine starts again. I grew up under same circumstances but I would not like to have such life anymore now. 

On the third day  in Posevnoye I was about to start working on my blog when suddenly the power was shut down. And that for approx. 6 hours. Inbetween there was also no water available. In sommer they have deficiency in water very often because almost all people in the village have own gardens. When too many people water their gardens at the same time, there is not enough pressure to supply all households with water. 

Once I went with my 4-year-old nephew to a playground. That one is placed in the cortyard of a multi-level house. While I was swinging Vitalya, I saw a completely naked man leaving the house, drunk as hell, of course. Two children, a 14-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy, that also played there told me that the man drinks too much very often. Once he beat his wife and thereafter she left him alone. But that actually he is a good man. He walked a bit in the cortyard, fell down and stayed on the ground until a passing man helped him to get up. Then he walked back into the house.

On Thursday we drove to a sacred spring. The local people go there to take a bath and to get water, because supposedly the water is healthy. I did not bath there because the water is freezing cold. I only put my feet into the water for 1 minute and nearly did not feel them afterwards. To get a healing effect it is necessary to completely steep into water and cross oneself, 3 times each.

On Friday evening more relatives came to visit us for 2 days. On the next day we went to a small lake for a swim and barbecue.

On Monday Natasha's 80-year-old frend Faya Ivanovna came to take care of Vitalja for one week because his kindergarten closed. A great woman. We chatted during the whole day. You don't notice she's 80 years old. She's quite fit, smart, talkative, funny. She's lived in Novosibirsk for a few years and complained about the "old folks" who sit outside on the seating bench the whole day and blaspheme about passing people and each other instead of doing something useful ;)
I spent one week at my cousine's place and the temperature was between 30 and 40 degrees in shadow almost all the time (except in the night).

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