Wednesday 16 July 2014


On 01.07. at 6 a.m. I departed from Posevnoye. First of all it took 2 hours to get to Novosibirsk by elektrichka, where I had to wait for my train to Irkutsk. To bridge the time gap I had a walk near the railway station. I watched the streets, visited a park and a church.

                                                      Sacred water in front of church

The journey in the train was very quite this time. I had a side seat. There you don't get into a conversation as fast as in a 4-seats compartment. The compartment was shared by a woman and her daughter from Kazachstan and an older couple from Buryatia. I was reading and sleeping most of the time. In the night a young man joined us and  had the seat above me. He didn't talk the whole day. But when I was packing my backpack just before arrival at Irkutsk he asked me if I was going to Irkutsk. Then he asked where I am from. "From Finland? From New Zealand?" I explained to him that I am from Russia but live in Germany. Later I asked him why he thought that I am from abroad. He said that he saw me reading an English book (actually a German one). And that I have an accent... Intersting, before I was told that I have no acccent.... ;)


On Wednesday, 02.07. after 30 hours in train I arrived in Irkutsk in time and was received by my relatives at the railway station.

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