Wednesday 23 July 2014

Irkutsk / Bolshoe Goloustnoe at Lake Baikal

A few days ago we went to the village Bolshoe Goloustnoe at the Lake Baikal, at about 120 km from Irkutsk.

Not only the lake is worth the trip but also the road to get there. Further down you will find pictures of that day.

On the way to Bolshoe Goloustnoe:

 At the lake in Bolshoe Goloustnoe:

The water is defenitely too cold to swim

On the way back to Irkutsk:

Pimped up Lada 

Partly the road was very dusty

In a willow-herb field 

On the way back we had a stop at a sacred spring 

In front of us we saw a car with a 10-years old boy sitting in its window. We were following this car for about 10 minutes. When we stopped at the spring besides the boy also his father left the car.

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